Monday, January 12, 2009

My dream

I used to have a dream of being a politician / be involve in politic directly. Yet, seeing how things have gone through especially the political scene in Malaysia, it did scared me. Literally I prefer to stand on the sideline and just be a cheerleader ... with a brain la of course.

But as time passed and the world go around, I realize I want to be a teacher / an educator to the young minds......chewah.....shaping the young generation into a breed of useful, practical and visionary people also my dream job...Hehehe! At the same time, I also love writing and I wish I have the opportunity to learn or take courses of writing . Writing and expressing my feeling into words is also one of my passion and it would be good for me to learn the right way of writing. So that, I might improve my writing skills and my use of words.

Well... lets hope for the best! 2009 here I come....!

writing Pictures, Images and Photos


sweet-girlicious said...

ahahhahah you want to be politican...hahha..well i can say that u've got the talent!!hahah..chewah...working in KUMON gives u a spirit o educator ka?heheh...good!!!that's good!!i'm impress with u..haha

p/s:amoi...buat la chat box...join me in facebook at sabahan blogger...sure u will have many new bloggers friend!!

eliz_roXZ said...

Ok bh... actually I prefer my blog 2 be in the down low.... Usually y read my blog r all my cuzzies, my sis and my close frens.... nnti sa cb ..thanks 4 the advice...


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