Friday, September 18, 2009

You're a loser, Time to Become a Winner


Time to make big changes and if you want to see big changes in your life then start by making BIG CHANGES. Do something that has tangible results today. Do you have a messy apartment, house, or bed room? CLEAN IT NOW. Clean it perfectly and don't stop till it looks like it belongs in home and garden magazine. Do you still live with your parents and you're 25 or 45? Put together a plan where in 1 year you will have you're own place and be self sufficient (I would suggest asking your parents for advice, or even better, have them hold your money for you because you can't save money worth a damn). Also, start getting some sort of therapy or see a life coach. You are really down on yourself about something and you aren't quite sure what it is. Once you figure it out you will be the type of winner you see yourself as and it will happen a lot quicker then you think! In order to become a better person than you are right now you need to be proactive in moving forward with your life. Find a better job... What ever you do, though, don't go back to college, because that will give you an excuse to stay in your current situation. Travel somewhere, the simplest trip to someplace other than anywhere near where you live will help inspire you, even if it's just to spend a few weeks in a new town a few hours away. Time to make something of yourself and there is no better time then now!

These words really HIT me big! I feel like tons of bricks just fall flat on my face! Gosh, that’s so sad and I do agree wholeheartedly for all of it!

I believe I need to take responsibility of what happening around me, well instead of blaming and bitching about my life, I should be bold and brave enough to make a change. I need to change myself especially on how I view the world and myself as a person! Yup, its time to make a change in my life and progress forward as well as be POSITIVE! Like they always said, when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade...!! Lalala.......

Nevertheless, I am looking forward my a new prospect in life! Yup, I do believe I can... YES, I CAN! Wish me luck!! :) Hope for the best!

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