Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tomok ---> U roxz at OIAM!

Watching Tomok performed “Aku Cinta Padamu” last Friday really proved he is the 1 to beat. I was completely entertained by his energetic showmanship and he definitely raises a bar higher for other contestant to follow. I guess he wasn’t all that stupid as last time as you can see he has some music talent that allow him to survive in the entertainment industry. Last time if you had told me Tomok could win the One In A Million, I would have laugh and say “as if”. Now, I believe he deserve to win the competition as his performance has been quite consistent and entertaining every week.

Tomok, came so far from his early year as the front man of New Boyz. Their songs totally boring last time, just hearing his band song in the local radio really make my ear bleed. I also remembered his scrawny, thin stick figure and his ‘balah tengah’ hair ---> definitely not something you go for in a guy. I believe those times only my friend Z*ri** was all over him.

Watching Tomok on TV, really bring back memories of my schoolmate, Z*ri**. Well, the year was 2000 and I was in Form3. At that time, New Boyz was a big hit among the local Malay girls and my schoolmate Z*ri** was one them. She in fact listened and talked nothing but New Boyz everyday. It was quite strange that she could come up with day to day information about the New Boyz and particularly Tomok. She was like an ‘info bergerak’, everyone who knew her, know she could sing the New Boyz songs by heart and kept a diary of her undying love for Tomok, which she carried around school.

Long story short, Tomok eventually replied back to her fan letter and it was the beginning of a funny story. Well, she parade and showed off the letter to everyone in the school and said she was his number 1 fan as Tomok acknowledged her to be one. Surely back then all the girls who was into Tomok was jealous and the boys just got annoyed by her. One of these boys was Helmi. I guess Helmi was particularly tick off by Z*ri**’s antics, so he decided to stole Z*ri**’s diary during recess. Heheheh… He then decided to read the diary page by page to the whole class, we were laughing out loud and make some.... “uhh….ahhh..fewiit….adidih”… noise..! It was so damn funny and yucky at the same time. I know we were so naughty but we were young and keen on making fun of others. As Zuriah walked in the class, she was so damn furious….. What happened next totally go down as SMPO most memorable memories (4 me la)… Bulih-bulih ni 2 ekor budak bkejar-kejaran sampi ke tengah padang, with Zuriah running and yelling at Helmi. Dahla, si Zuriah berbadan chubby and watching her ran across the field was damn hilarious. Bayangkan la, tengah-tengah panas, ujung-ujung time rehat, dorang 2 bkejar-kejaran around the field with both yelling at each other ----> kalah2 dalam filem Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Everybody around school was totally transfixed their eyes to this evenful event and everyone were chanting either Helmi or Zuriah. What the heck, P&P was disrupted for a while, sampai our guru discipline also turun padang to go after them…. Hahaha… Last2 dorang 2 kena jadi contoh pasangan yang x patut di follow. Helmi was dubbed as hero, while Zuriah was the unlucky heroine; both became a celebrity overnight around the school… Hahaha. The sad thing was that Z*ri** was hit hard after the incident, she become remote, so distant and somewhat revengeful, as I watched tears rolling from her face that day, I realized she was forever changed after the whole incident. Shortly after our PMR was finished, she moved to Labuan, according to her, she wants to start fresh somewhere.

Fast forwards to 4 years later, I met her in Sipitang, she looked so thin and all her extra pounds were gone. She wasn’t the same “chubby and fatty” Z*ri** that I once knew. I don’t know how to explain it, but she was different.

I guess being the “punching bag" of the whole school can cause lots of damage to a person self esteem as well as their personality. I feel bad and guilty for being a part of bully committees. Although I did not do anything harmful to a person back at high school, still being a member of the bully committee really something that was not to be proud of. High school can be crazy and such a roller coaster to everybody and I am lucky to escape it with only few memorable scars. Gosh!

1 comment:

sweet-girlicious said...

well...people get into maturity which mean we are getting better and better for the time being...same to tomok..last time he was just a famous young boy who was in a glam world during his early age which mean that still need improvement and the talent still young to be lighten up..now he is a growing man, mature and know what is good and bad..so, he knows what he need in live and time really make him into maturity toward his talent in singing..which we can said he is not a lousy singer but somehow or rather he actually impress malaysian that he is not what we tough back at previous year at behind


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