Monday, April 6, 2009

AF 7 vs. OIAM 3


Well, I just saw Akademi Fantasia pnya concert... I mean, what a shock seeing both Sabahan contestants got the lowest votes and ultimately kna kick out of AF! Hmm...kesian pla.. skali kena kick 2 orang pla.. Moreover its Sabahan ppl! I thought Sabahan ppl are so into AF7, so what happen now seems to be a sign that even us the Sabahan ppl are getting pretty bored and tired of watching the same old boring Akademi Fantasia.

I mean come on la... the tagline "transformasi" --> apala itu?? I couldn't get my head out of it... Transformasi ... apala yang kena transform, apa yang sa nampk hanyala same old, same old boring stuffs! Tgk psembahn peserta AF7 kali ni really make my ears bleed, mcm tgk ptandingan karaoke….and too bad this karaoke competition will last a few months more and I don't now about you all, but I had, had enough of karaoke singer...! Knapaka plu diwujudkan AF7 ... I guess Astro should spend their money into something that is much more lucrative as they are slowly losing money due to the elaborate production of Akademi Fantasia. I guess they should use the money to revive the already "bancrupt Maestro" and better yet producela album si Mas tu ---> Sian da!! Itu lagi penting ---> to save the entire artist under that management and foresee their career...! Oh well, I guess, they still have more money to burn...!

Lagi 1 yang sa mo komplen la, asal ja sa curi2 tinguk itu Diary AF mesti sa ada nampak students da nangis2! Apala, hal kicil pun mo kepoh2...then bawling their eyes out for stupid & simple matter! Pastu bazirkan masa untuk settle kan the problem..! Kalu la dorang ble btindak productive, cubala dorang bincang mcmna mo improve psembahan buruk / boring, mutu suara and anything which closely related dengan performance on Saturday night! Puas ati jg kta menonton...! Apala ...kebudak-budakan sungguh! I guess, AF is changing from a singing competition to a popularity competition! So mungkin pentingla kali the peserta menangis cam budak!! Kali inila transformasi yang they ol going for…! Less quality more quantity!! Sayang ni, I truly love the previous 1, 2 & 3 pnya AF, after that, it started to go down hill! To much dull gimmick bah!! This season is no difference!

I truly advice all of you to watch the OIAM 3 ---> this one surely won’t disappoint you. Watching the contestants’ talents of singing truly mesmerizing and better yet their ability to play with the music arrangement definitely a plus! You truly feel like it was a concert. There are few favourites of mine in the OIAM 3 ----> our darling from Sabah, Esther (I call her my mum), the not so stupid Tomok (hehehe, he surely prove that he is the 1 to beat) and the dark horse ---> Nine!! Can’t wait for next this Friday… But the thing that I am disappointed is their fashion style, look a bit mumsy (especially the peserta wanita), quirky and most often unflattering to the contestants! They should have pun an outfit suit with the song pnya character. Tapi this fashion stuff, I think AF7 is way better la… Only the girls’ pnya outfit red and white singing the AF anthem ---> plik bh pl itu, plus the guys’ ketara ni wear too much make up..! Blame the black guy who looks so grey!

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