I just finished watching the last 2 episodes of Boys Over Flower at the mysoju.com. Finally after months of waiting, it comes to the end and I am glad to say I am done with that drama…. Hehehehe…! Now, all I have to wait is to wait for the VCD / DVD out in our local stores.
So far the last 2 episodes were ok and I must say they manage to twist and turn the storyline and I am satisfy with the ending of the drama. Overall, the production team had managed to inject lots of dramatic scene and it is obvious they are trying to keep it fresh and different from the other 2 versions of this drama. Still, nothing totally surprises me watching the last 2 episodes, I guess I somewhat could guess it already and it is nothing different from the last 2 version of this drama.
The thing that I love about the drama’s ending is the fact that Goo Joon Pyo waited about 4 years to finally bend on one knee and purpose to Jan Di. It’s kinda realistic and practical as all of the characters got their own career going on. So, it’s about time. I love the scene in which he bend on his knee and purpose, it is kinda sweet and romantic.
There is also a few scenes that I found a bit hanging and somewhat didn’t click to me. Such as;
1) The kissing scene seems to bit fake and force. It didn’t ooze the feeling of both characters are madly in love.
2) The CPR thing---> eeeh… Surely I think the CPR is not like that. That is not how you revive a person who almost drawn.
3) Whatever happened to least famous character of F4 (Song Woo Bin) ??---> I really wanted to know what path he chooses or his career choices in this drama.
Too bad the 3 stooges who continuously taunt Jan Di during her high school fail to make an appearance … I would love to see them screaming in agony watching Jan Di happily together with Joon Pyo ----> yet unfortunately one of the girl died after committing suicide. So, I guess they decided to cut out the 3 characters out altogether.
The one character that I totally fall for have to be the lovable, cool, sweet and loyal, Yoon Ji Hoo, he is soooo cute, I can just drool just by watching over him. The scene that he cried after failed attempt to capture Jan Di’s heart totally heartbreaking. You just want to hug him and say…. “I am here Oppa” ….. “Sarang nge yeo”. Oh well, only in my own wet dream……. Hahahaha!! ----> Budus.
Well, overall it is an OK drama, (got few high points and few low points), even though, I am not entirely satisfy with it, Boys Over Flower really do showcase what Korean are best for, such as to inject lots of romantic feature, (in which the Japanese version fails), cool gadgets, nice soundtrack, wonderful scenery, lush taste of style and most definitely ….. lots of pretty boys / men that we can ogle with. But, I still do think this Korean version could have done better, I mean, sky is the limit for them, they could have take the bar higher and too bad it didn't go as high as I hope it did.... Hmmmph! Good try though, and I do encourage fans of
PS: On the other hand, I still prefer the Japanese version though ---> Hana Yori Dango 1, 2 and the movie...!
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