Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sarang He YO
I was really touched by the celebs stories of their fathers ... So, I wud like to say........
"Dad ... I am sorry for not being a good & obedient daughter. In future, I will in my utmost best repay back all that u have gave me. Thanks for being such an awesome father 2 me... I LOVE You!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I just found this story online... So, I think better share it with all of you.....
Baca slowly dan penuh penghayatan.
Aku terlanggar seorang asing semasa berjalan, "Oh maafkan saya, saya tak perasan"
Katanya "Maafkan saya juga, Saya tak nampak saudara"
Kami amat bersopan dan saling menghormati, Kami saling melambai sambil berlalu pergi,
Tetapi di rumah lain pula ceritanya, Bagaimana kita melayan orang tersayang, tua dan muda,
Lewat petang, tika memasak makan malam, Anak lelaki kecilku berdiri di dapur secara diam-diam,
Bila berpaling aku hampir melanggarnya jatuh, Jerkahku, "Jangan buat kacau di sini, pergi main jauh-jauh"
Dia berlalu pergi, hatinya hancur luluh dan beku, Aku tak sedar, bertapa kasarnya kata-kataku,
Sedangku berbaring di katil mendengar musik, Terdengar suara halus datang membisik,
"Bila bersama orang tak dikenali, Begitu bersopan dan merendah diri, Tetapi ahli keluarga tersayang, sering dimarah dan dicaci",
"Cubalah kau pergi lihat di lantai dapur, Kan kau temui bunga-bungaan berterabur",
"Itu adalah bunga-bunga dibawanya untuk kamu, Dia memetiknya sendiri, kuning, biru dan unggu",
"Dia berdiri senyap agar jadi kejutan buat kamu, Kamu tak pernah sedar airmatanya yang datang bertamu", Pada tika ini, aku merasa amat kecil sekali, Airmataku mencurah ibarat air di kali,
Senyap-senyap ku kebiliknya, dan melutut di katil, "Bangunlah, anakku, bangunlah si kecil"
"Apakah bunga-bunga ini dipetik untuk mak? Dia tersenyum, "Adik terjumpanya belakang rumah di semak"
"Adik memetiknya kerana ia cantik seperti ibu, ibu tentu suka terutama yang unggu,
"Maafkan ibu, atas sikap ibu hari ini, Ibu tak harus menjerkah kamu, sebegini,
Katanya,"Oh, ibu, itu tak mengapa, Saya tetap sayang ibu melebihi segala,
Bisikku, "Anakku, ibu pun sayang kamu, dan ibu suka bunga itu, terutama yang unggu,
Adakah kamu sedar, sekiranya kita mati hari ini, syarikat tempat kita berkerja akan senang-senang mendapat pengganti, dalam hanya beberapa hari?
Tetapi keluarga yang kita tinggalkan, akan merasa kehilangan kita sepanjang hayat.
Dan sedarlah, sekiranya kita menghabiskan masa kita kepada kerja, Melebihi keluarga kita, adalah merupakan suatu pelaburan yang tidak bijak.
Bukankah begitu? Jadi apakah maksud yang tersirat?
Tahukah anda makna "FAMILY"? FAMILY = (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU
Blessed Xmas & Happy New Year

Ohya, New Year is around the corner ... are you all prepared for a new beginning of the year of 2010! As for me I'm looking forward for a more positive 2010... I pray... everything will fall into places and I shall succeed in everything I do .... Amen!! SO ppl .............................

I have a new pet peeves … I call him M****L! I dunno, I cringed on the sight of him and there’s this uneasy feeling swelling up inside of me! Everything that he does just annoys me …. More…. And …… moreeee! Ppl advised me … or perhaps forced me to sort of respect and be nice to him for my sis ‘s sake. I try … God knows .. I try…!! Urgh… I guess it’s a sister thing to feel this way! In addition thanks to him … I got scolded by my family! Gosh, how I was fcking mad & unhappy! Those nasty SMS my sister sent me was truly hurtful. She chooses to believe him and refuse to get my explanation!!! I was surprise as out of the blue they were attacking me, claiming I hurt his feeling through my FB status! Bloody hell… Can they not be so judgmental and sooooooooo bloody dumb! At least get my explanation first, don’t just assume. This is what wrong with ‘them’ sometimes, they take it toooooooooo personally, without even analyzing it and they straight away go for the kill ... For sure la the person yg dorang hentam pn mati kutu la… All of the sudden kena bomb without any warning. But that’s not the real issue here!! The real issue here is that who matter most ~~> Family or the 1 you love (bf /gf)? For me, my loyalty belongs to my family …then…him!!
If “this sort of situation happens”, I will be like an adult call the person and get his / her explanation before jumping into any conclusion and straight away attacking by sending malicious SMS! Words are much sharper than the knife… literally we won’t die by it… emotionally we are scars for life. True they say, we need to forgive and forget… but in this matter how will you move on when the damage had already been done…. “Sorry” might be sufficient enough to heal it..! Put your pride aside!
My advice to that person and her beau … I respect ur choice in choosing him. But be fair la … No matter how much you regard me as a burden.. I am still ur family, we went through a lot… only we understand what..! I would also express my deepest regret on how behave towards you and him. I might be a bitch as in the SMS u sent me… but this bitch had been with you the day you turn 1. Choose ur loyalty wisely and again… BE FAIR! Your world does not revolve around only on him! Here I admitted, I cry when I read the SMS you sent me. But the only thing you say to me when you get the facts was ~~> “mana la ak tau, da yg ckp bg2, mcm 2 kta seri la”! WTF, not even a single “SORRY” from you or him…!!!
I do know by posting this in my blog.. You will get mad and hurt… but I ask you again… “Can you really put the blame on me…??? “ Lately, every time we talk we tend to get aggravated even the littlest thing … So what’s the point of talking when we know we will leave in anger! I’m tired of fighting again & again… ! I know ur a big girl… bigger than me even … so be considerate, thoughtful, be alert on your action and ur words… I will in return do the same.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hello there
Btw, I want to share something which I found to be interestingly entertaining. I simply love it. It is actually a beautiful stop motion film made by the brilliant Carlos Loscano. I guess deep down everyone simply longing to be love or be in love. Yess, life can be so lonely sometimes and friends might be nice yet it doesn't compensate the longing rooted deep in our soul. As for me, I've been single for quite sometimes and always close my heart from any advances by guys ... in away this stop motion film really bringing back memories of yesterday ... "though he might be gone from my life, why should I punish the rest for one person's mistake". I believe its time for me to open myself up and just be happy. Hahaha... Any taker (lmao)...??? So ppl enjoy & don't get teary on me now...
This is courtesy of Youtube & if u r interested feel free to view Carlos Loscano page at ~~>
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya

Niway, I personally can't wait to go for "Rumah Terbuka" / Open House around my kampung ... Which means ~~> Good Food + Good Campany = Good day ! Yummy~~mummy!! Can't wait to have a marathon of eating!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Park Jaebum (Jay Park) Fan Song - Waiting For You
Honestly, this is the 1st time that I take interest in Korean boyband such as 2Pm. You see, Jay is actually a leader for 2PM and due to recent controversy, he decided to leave 2PM and return back to USA!! (For further details, you all can google it) It is sad - sad thing as I love 2PM. What more can I say, I love watching their crazy antics in Wild Bunny and seem genuinely enjoying themselves. Plus, their song and dance was simply awesome! It is a shame that a simple act of ignorance will turn a person's life upside down. Either way, I am hoping for his comeback to K-Pop. I do Have FAITH on Jay!
Btw, here is a song + MV made especially for him. It was simply heartfelt and truly nice effort from the lovely fan.
You're a loser, Time to Become a Winner
Time to make big changes and if you want to see big changes in your life then start by making BIG CHANGES. Do something that has tangible results today. Do you have a messy apartment, house, or bed room? CLEAN IT NOW. Clean it perfectly and don't stop till it looks like it belongs in home and garden magazine. Do you still live with your parents and you're 25 or 45? Put together a plan where in 1 year you will have you're own place and be self sufficient (I would suggest asking your parents for advice, or even better, have them hold your money for you because you can't save money worth a damn). Also, start getting some sort of therapy or see a life coach. You are really down on yourself about something and you aren't quite sure what it is. Once you figure it out you will be the type of winner you see yourself as and it will happen a lot quicker then you think! In order to become a better person than you are right now you need to be proactive in moving forward with your life. Find a better job... What ever you do, though, don't go back to college, because that will give you an excuse to stay in your current situation. Travel somewhere, the simplest trip to someplace other than anywhere near where you live will help inspire you, even if it's just to spend a few weeks in a new town a few hours away. Time to make something of yourself and there is no better time then now!
I believe I need to take responsibility of what happening around me, well instead of blaming and bitching about my life, I should be bold and brave enough to make a change. I need to change myself especially on how I view the world and myself as a person! Yup, its time to make a change in my life and progress forward as well as be POSITIVE! Like they always said, when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade...!! Lalala.......
Nevertheless, I am looking forward my a new prospect in life! Yup, I do believe I can... YES, I CAN! Wish me luck!! :) Hope for the best!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I jz read this news article straight from! This is so outrageous and a bit too extreme! I mean c'mon la people, it is good to be patriotic and all, yet to attack Malaysian students who happen to study there is nothing to be proud of! There this thin line between patriotism and being to extremist!!
Honestly a mistake had been made in the clip and both parties had actually step up and appologised personally and globally for it!! Moreover, there is a reasonable explanation behind this unfortunate mistake and still why are people being ignorant about it!!! Why the anger! I don't understand & honestly I don't get it, are people over there are so hateful towards Malaysian? Whatever it is, this really make me juz want to postpone my trip there!!
Either way, I love being Malaysian and proud to be 1! 1 Malaysia !! Much love to both nations.... and I believe ... its better to make love ... not WAR!!!
Btw, here is the extract from!!
JAKARTA, Sept 8 (Bernama) -– The Malaysian Students Department here has advised Malaysian students in Indonesia to take care following reportedly rising anger among a small group of people over slanderous reports by the media of late.
The department has sent an SMS message to advise all Malaysian students to avoid using Jalan Diponegoro here.
The anger among the small group of people seems to have reached a serious stage following recent media reports and visuals of more than 360 people having registered as volunteers to "crush" Malaysia.
Today, a group calling itself "Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat" (BENDERA) threatened to use sharpened bamboo on Malaysians using Jalan Diponegoro here.
It was reported that 50 members of BENDERA armed with these "spears" forced people using the road to show proof of their identity with the intention of detaining anyone who was Malaysian.
This act of taking the law into their own hands was reported in the local online media, including detikcom.
In one incident previously, rotten eggs were hurled at a house rented by Malaysian students of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta by a group of demonstrators comprising local undergraduates who were angry at Malaysia for having allegedly "stolen" the Pendet dance which originated from Indonesia's Bali island.
Following that issue, which was fanned by the local media and linked to past issues, several groups of Indonesians demonstrated in front of the Malaysian embassy here.
Malaysia stated that it had not "stolen" the dance for a video clip tourism promotion, which was actually produced by a private company based in Singapore, but the explanation seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.
The okezone website reported that BENDERA had conducted checks on more than 100 people using Jalan Diponegoro.
Detikcom reported that no Malaysian had used that road and that the checks, which were to have been conducted for one hour, ended just after 30 minutes.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Well... I hope there will be more happy post to come after this....!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Let me see.... what's new in my life right now...
- I am quitting my job!!! Dunno what is my next step, but I do hope everything will go well.... eventually! I guess, I am just so bloody tired working there...emotionally and financially drain, plus my heart is not there. I guess, when you come to a point where you hate the job, why stay.... just leave & move on.
- Yesterday I went for my PTD Gred M41 Test... Gosh that was draining as it took a day to complete. Imagine, the test was divided into 5 Section (A,B,C,D & E)... so I have to sit in the HOT classroom from 9am until 4.15pm... but we do have our rest though. Anyway, I think I did ok with my test with exception of the Math's part. Oooo...Emmmm...Geee... I was totally confuse with the Math questions and the worst part we could not use calculator to calculate! Bloody tiring, dahla ak ni bit "bingung" in Math and they have to make it pretty challenging by telling us to use our minds to calculate...dengan bijaknya ak mgira smbil "menembak" jwpn...!! Ekekeke.... It is also interesting that I have to do a 300-500 words of Malay Composition. Tp terer jgala ak mhentam using my sort of broken Malay. I even asked Fiona what is cinema in Malay....buduss... !! Yet, I do hope in some weird Universe way, AKU LULUS!!! Lalalala..... Oh heck....!!!
- Hate drama...especially silly drama unfolding in my life.... I just need to move on and be positive.... God give me strength to be brave & patience.
- The best is yet to come.... Finger cross... I believe ... rezeki datang dari DIA and not from People....!
- I am having cramps rite now... adeh!! Love being a woman...yet this pain is killing me....softly!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Being 2nd
Growing up I wasn’t actually a poster kids that parents are proud of. I had this big curly hair, my skin was quite dark back then~~> mostly due to the constant outdoors game with my besties. That was fun, going in and out of my kampong doing everything dangerous and straight up stupid! No wonder my mom always scolded me for always coming home late at night! Well, what can I say, I was naughty, headstrong, and most of the time rude compared to my other 2 siblings. Hehehe!
I realize friends play an important role in my life back then. For they are my comforts and people that I share the common bond. I have all spectrum of friends that I could hang out, they made me feel belong and safe. Unfortunately, like anyone else I fell for peer pressure and start doing things that I thought by their nature was cool and fun, by then I realize I was far off from where I was. Slowly over time, I lost my senses and rationality.
At the same time, I was doing all of that stuff just to get away from my family, somehow I felt like I needed my own space and being with them suffocate me. Truly, I felt lost between my siblings and I realize I couldn’t compete with them in the race of affection from my parents. Like they said when you couldn’t get any affection from home you search elsewhere outside. As for now, I could care less, with or without my parents I am still going to live my life because this is my life, my only life, so why do I allow silly thought destroying of what I have at this moment. But, I am happy to say that my family and I are at a good place now, we have a weird way of loving each other yet we are happy in our own weird way.
I believe growing up we all face all types of struggle only you yourself understand. The fact that we rely solely on your friends in order to deal with the struggle, truly they feel like heaven for you, regardless whatever impact they have on you. When you feel like no one understands you and you feel left out, friends are the one you go for the TLC instead of parents. Might I say, they don’t understand us like a friend does! Well, that was what I am feeling when I was going through that phase of adolescent!! Back then, I do care about my family yet I care more for my friend… shallow right… well being a teenager is like that and eventually it does grow out of us over time.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My sweet lil brother
I don’t know how could my sweet lil brother turned out to be this ‘boy’….. A boy that I sometimes despise and honestly, I just couldn’t figure you out! What happen to you, I miss my sensitive, sweet and loveable lil brother? I do miss the times when we bond, talk, laugh and share secrets together.
All in all, I say this to you my sweet lil brother, it is okay. I love you nonetheless; I am here through thick and thin with you as family stick together. I guess this is a way of you growing up, maturing in your own senses and finding your own true self. I do hope your mind and soul aren’t that tainted by all the negative surrounding that you see and hear in and around KK, as I want you to grow up to be a man, man with manner and knowledge. Till then, don’t grow up too fast … take a little time to look around and God bless you in all that you are.

My unending legacy of "blunders"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tomok ---> U roxz at OIAM!
Tomok, came so far from his early year as the front man of New Boyz. Their songs totally boring last time, just hearing his band song in the local radio really make my ear bleed. I also remembered his scrawny, thin stick figure and his ‘balah tengah’ hair ---> definitely not something you go for in a guy. I believe those times only my friend Z*ri** was all over him.
Watching Tomok on TV, really bring back memories of my schoolmate, Z*ri**. Well, the year was 2000 and I was in Form3. At that time, New Boyz was a big hit among the local Malay girls and my schoolmate Z*ri** was one them. She in fact listened and talked nothing but New Boyz everyday. It was quite strange that she could come up with day to day information about the New Boyz and particularly Tomok. She was like an ‘info bergerak’, everyone who knew her, know she could sing the New Boyz songs by heart and kept a diary of her undying love for Tomok, which she carried around school.
Long story short, Tomok eventually replied back to her fan letter and it was the beginning of a funny story. Well, she parade and showed off the letter to everyone in the school and said she was his number 1 fan as Tomok acknowledged her to be one. Surely back then all the girls who was into Tomok was jealous and the boys just got annoyed by her. One of these boys was Helmi. I guess Helmi was particularly tick off by Z*ri**’s antics, so he decided to stole Z*ri**’s diary during recess. Heheheh… He then decided to read the diary page by page to the whole class, we were laughing out loud and make some.... “uhh….ahhh..fewiit….adidih”… noise..! It was so damn funny and yucky at the same time. I know we were so naughty but we were young and keen on making fun of others. As Zuriah walked in the class, she was so damn furious….. What happened next totally go down as SMPO most memorable memories (4 me la)… Bulih-bulih ni 2 ekor budak bkejar-kejaran sampi ke tengah padang, with Zuriah running and yelling at Helmi. Dahla, si Zuriah berbadan chubby and watching her ran across the field was damn hilarious. Bayangkan la, tengah-tengah panas, ujung-ujung time rehat, dorang 2 bkejar-kejaran around the field with both yelling at each other ----> kalah2 dalam filem Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Everybody around school was totally transfixed their eyes to this evenful event and everyone were chanting either Helmi or Zuriah. What the heck, P&P was disrupted for a while, sampai our guru discipline also turun padang to go after them…. Hahaha… Last2 dorang 2 kena jadi contoh pasangan yang x patut di follow. Helmi was dubbed as hero, while Zuriah was the unlucky heroine; both became a celebrity overnight around the school… Hahaha. The sad thing was that Z*ri** was hit hard after the incident, she become remote, so distant and somewhat revengeful, as I watched tears rolling from her face that day, I realized she was forever changed after the whole incident. Shortly after our PMR was finished, she moved to Labuan, according to her, she wants to start fresh somewhere.
Fast forwards to 4 years later, I met her in Sipitang, she looked so thin and all her extra pounds were gone. She wasn’t the same “chubby and fatty” Z*ri** that I once knew. I don’t know how to explain it, but she was different.
I guess being the “punching bag" of the whole school can cause lots of damage to a person self esteem as well as their personality. I feel bad and guilty for being a part of bully committees. Although I did not do anything harmful to a person back at high school, still being a member of the bully committee really something that was not to be proud of. High school can be crazy and such a roller coaster to everybody and I am lucky to escape it with only few memorable scars. Gosh! !
Monday, April 6, 2009
AF 7 vs. OIAM 3

Well, I just saw Akademi Fantasia pnya concert... I mean, what a shock seeing both Sabahan contestants got the lowest votes and ultimately kna kick out of AF! Hmm...kesian pla.. skali kena kick 2 orang pla.. Moreover its Sabahan ppl! I thought Sabahan ppl are so into AF7, so what happen now seems to be a sign that even us the Sabahan ppl are getting pretty bored and tired of watching the same old boring Akademi Fantasia.
I mean come on la... the tagline "transformasi" --> apala itu?? I couldn't get my head out of it... Transformasi ... apala yang kena transform, apa yang sa nampk hanyala same old, same old boring stuffs! Tgk psembahn peserta AF7 kali ni really make my ears bleed, mcm tgk ptandingan karaoke….and too bad this karaoke competition will last a few months more and I don't now about you all, but I had, had enough of karaoke singer...! Knapaka plu diwujudkan AF7 ... I guess Astro should spend their money into something that is much more lucrative as they are slowly losing money due to the elaborate production of Akademi Fantasia. I guess they should use the money to revive the already "bancrupt Maestro" and better yet producela album si Mas tu --->
Lagi 1 yang sa mo komplen la, asal ja sa curi2 tinguk itu Diary AF mesti sa ada nampak students da nangis2! Apala, hal kicil pun mo kepoh2...then bawling their eyes out for stupid & simple matter! Pastu bazirkan masa untuk settle
I truly advice all of you to watch the OIAM 3 ---> this one surely won’t disappoint you. Watching the contestants’ talents of singing truly mesmerizing and better yet their ability to play with the music arrangement definitely a plus! You truly feel like it was a concert. There are few favourites of mine in the OIAM 3 ----> our darling from