I have a new pet peeves … I call him M****L! I dunno, I cringed on the sight of him and there’s this uneasy feeling swelling up inside of me! Everything that he does just annoys me …. More…. And …… moreeee! Ppl advised me … or perhaps forced me to sort of respect and be nice to him for my sis ‘s sake. I try … God knows .. I try…!! Urgh… I guess it’s a sister thing to feel this way! In addition thanks to him … I got scolded by my family! Gosh, how I was fcking mad & unhappy! Those nasty SMS my sister sent me was truly hurtful. She chooses to believe him and refuse to get my explanation!!! I was surprise as out of the blue they were attacking me, claiming I hurt his feeling through my FB status! Bloody hell… Can they not be so judgmental and sooooooooo bloody dumb! At least get my explanation first, don’t just assume. This is what wrong with ‘them’ sometimes, they take it toooooooooo personally, without even analyzing it and they straight away go for the kill ... For sure la the person yg dorang hentam pn mati kutu la… All of the sudden kena bomb without any warning. But that’s not the real issue here!! The real issue here is that who matter most ~~> Family or the 1 you love (bf /gf)? For me, my loyalty belongs to my family …then…him!!
If “this sort of situation happens”, I will be like an adult call the person and get his / her explanation before jumping into any conclusion and straight away attacking by sending malicious SMS! Words are much sharper than the knife… literally we won’t die by it… emotionally we are scars for life. True they say, we need to forgive and forget… but in this matter how will you move on when the damage had already been done…. “Sorry” might be sufficient enough to heal it..! Put your pride aside!
My advice to that person and her beau … I respect ur choice in choosing him. But be fair la … No matter how much you regard me as a burden.. I am still ur family, we went through a lot… only we understand what..! I would also express my deepest regret on how behave towards you and him. I might be a bitch as in the SMS u sent me… but this bitch had been with you the day you turn 1. Choose ur loyalty wisely and again… BE FAIR! Your world does not revolve around only on him! Here I admitted, I cry when I read the SMS you sent me. But the only thing you say to me when you get the facts was ~~> “mana la ak tau, da yg ckp bg2, mcm 2 kta seri la”! WTF, not even a single “SORRY” from you or him…!!!
I do know by posting this in my blog.. You will get mad and hurt… but I ask you again… “Can you really put the blame on me…??? “ Lately, every time we talk we tend to get aggravated even the littlest thing … So what’s the point of talking when we know we will leave in anger! I’m tired of fighting again & again… ! I know ur a big girl… bigger than me even … so be considerate, thoughtful, be alert on your action and ur words… I will in return do the same.
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