[01] Are you currently in a relationship?
[02] Have you ever been given a rose?
no.. but does card with picture of roses count….
[03] What is your all-time favorite love story movie?
Love Truly & Never been Kissed
[04] Are you in love right now?
no.. but i hope 2.. someday…not 2day la of course
[05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate?
I think so!
[06] What's your current problem?
Damn UNITAR haven’t release my final result for Sem In Edu
[07] Have you ever had your heart broken?
huhu.. yes!
[08] Your thoughts on online or long distance relationships?
Online NO, distance rltnship, done it experienced it & hate it.
[09] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
I think so, but then I realize we better off as friend … friends with benefit ..of course …hahaha
[10] The person you're with right now,do you want to spend your life with?
My family …of course la….. Other than that, nobody special in particular.
[11] How many kids do you want to have?
2 ( 1 boy + 1 girl ) ..... Family planning kunu...
[12] What is/are your favorite color/s?
Pink and Green
[13] Who is your celebrity crush
Shia LeBeouf
[14] Do you believe you truly only love once?
No la every1 deserve to try it more than once, so that it helps us to differentiate between the ugly frogs to our charming prince.
[15] Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-married?
It depends whether I am stable enough or do I have kids… Either way love come when we least expected. So never say no…only time might tell.
[16] Do u believe in love at first sight?
Oh yeah
[17] What song do you want to be played at your wedding ?
Secondhand Serenade (fall for you) …. Any kinds of song, as long as it resemble the romantic-ness of the Wedding.
[18] Do you like anyone?
Currently yes.. I like anyone, as long as they are with smile and humour.
hahaha...2 child ka???wa..family planning ka?/hahah
ya damn unitar...i'm counting my fingers..bila la result mau kuar ni!!
Hmmm.... 2la kn budus btul .... Mlambtkan proses kta buat pmohonan ja... Dumb- bell sungguh... either way, that's what life is...so unfair and frustrating at times.
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