- Faizal Tahir rock the night away especially in his song “Coba”, love the song, the voice and style – bit gothic and emo like. Who said an ex-member to a nasyid group cannot rock. He sure was so rocking it last night.
The 2nd song was also good, especially the gimmick, quite new to Msian stage. Well, getting his hair cut in the middle of the stage and in the middle of his performance really nice, plus the fan and the choir thing, he surely deserve to win the Best Performance last night. Basically, to win the best performance, you don’t have to bring the whole kampung with you; all you need is a good storyline, creative gimmick and applicable to stage performance. Well, either way, congrats to Faizal Tahir on winning 3 categories last night – Persembahan Terbaik, Juara Kategori Balada and Vokal Terbaik ( well, this one is arguable, still congrats to him ayway). He is simply superb last night! Love to seem him winning something since his last year “shirtless incident”.
- Estranged and their gimmick was good as well. They are the champion of last year and surely they do have the pressure to perform well. But, hey their performance wasn’t all that bad, except I feel something not click with them last night. I was bit disappointed on Rich’s voice projection, it’s either the mic problem or him! Nevertheless, they definitely rock and I love their song. Plus, I was rooting for them and Meet Uncle Hussain to take the big prize and I am glad MUS won last night.
- Ayu should do better in her performance wise! Standing in the middle of the stage and make limited movement spell nothing but B.O.R.I.N.G! She should have go and take a few notes / pointer from Ziana Zain.
- Then, what’s up with Heliza ‘oh-so red’ lipstick! Really it didn’t match with her make up and her whole outfit. She should have done better, mind the make up artist; sometimes the artist should have their own knowledge about make up and know what’s look good for them. But hey, last night she looks like 24 going for 35!
- Aizat – Love the song and his simple performance. I won’t say it was soulful and deep, still he has that star quality in him and him writing his own song surely a bonus for this newbie. I do hope he will continue to shine and entertain all us with his own made song. So, Mila & Mawi, who? Step aside all AF winner wannabe – except for Vince and Stacy la.
- As for our own favourite darling Stacy, well let me give the low down:
i. Make up - Funky
ii. Dance routine - SMART & energetic
iii. Attitude – Cheeky
iv. But the Gold Pant - Honestly I am not so sure la… Err… Fashion Faux Paux – Ohh well, whatever that make her world go round.
----> All in all, she brings the house down in terms of her showmanship. She can be consider as a pro now and yes our little darling from
- Meet Uncle Hussain – I really like the song – catchy and listenable! They really impressed me last night, simply superb! At that exact moment I honest have butterfly and really thought they deserve to win. The performance was simple yet the singer really tear up the performance, his voice was so powerful and energetic and it would be great if he could take the best vocal category. The underdog seems to be opening lots of people’s eyes that night. They deserve standing ovation from the audiences, especially those sitting in the front rows.Oh well, we Msian have trouble getting up and clapping hand pula tu, lupa saya!
The music + orchestra + sound system = Super Fabulous, Superb & simply the best! -------> They were the real highlight of the night!
The priceless look on their face when they were announced as winner was soo sweet and I was genuinely happy they won. Well, when Ally say something like “seperti yang dijangkakan, Juara Lagu AJL 23 ialah.. penulis Taja, Tass dan Lan…. OMG! It was Meet Uncle Hussain instead of Faizal Tahir, that was so good. Really surprised MUS, as they were looking at Faizal Tahir and he was looking at them. Hohohoho…… really good Ally, which was suspense and climax all at once! But what’s up with Taja sort of picking / touching his noise while giving his speech… seem awkward and yucky! Go Independent bands! Next Year --- Pop Shuvit.
8. Poor Elyana, her voice was really drowned by the sound of music. I can’t really hear what she was singing! All I hear, “kalis rindu…….kalis pilu” …….on…and….on…… I dunno! Kesehan her!
9. The performance done by the kids was ohhh so entertaining and cute especially the boy name Haqiem. The end the performed Isabella with Jac, M.Nasir and Jamal Abdilla, it was good! 3 adults and 3 kids all singing in tune and good was rare in
In my opinion…..chewah:
Artists in
PS: All the pics r courtesy of gua.com.my
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