Jealousy surely is a funny word!!! Jealousy can be a complicated in so many ways especially in a relationship. Jealousy is a MUST they say to keep the relationship going and to make it more interesting. It also make us believe that the partner is truly IN LOVE with us..... Funny right, I guess we can say that love is truly BLIND...It blinded us in some way that we can't see the real us and reality behind it.. Which is sad to say...!!!
The problem here is not about jealousy is love or not, it is the amount a person should have it in a relationship..... I do wonder how many amount of jealousy is appropriate for a person to have!! Well, jealousy is kinda romantic but too much can spell disaster. I have few of my friends whose boyfriend are the jealous type, the BF forbid the GF to talk or befriend to any guys.... He controls the GF's life to a point that the GF sort live in world permitted only by the BF... Sad but true.. If the GF refuse, hell broke loose ... By then, both either break up or fight the night out. True, I even seen them fighting!!! I do also have friends that their BF was a TOTAL Green Eyed MOnster, so protective and super psycho. How psycho u ask, well, this particular BF not only forbid her to ONLY go out with him, he also make her stay at home the whole time, only go out 2 school and even forbid her to go out even with us her own besties, he even bought her a hp so that he can call her and know wherever she is. Also, for every man that talks to her, he will b sort of in a rage afterward.... They will start this huge fight which my friend end up crying her eyes out and me being a good friend came to consult her... I thought the fact that she have enough of him will end the relationship, but 3 days later they make up again... Urgh.... The cycle continue. I remember there is one incident in which me and her went out to the local Tamu, an hour later we saw his car just circling the Tamu area.... Then out of nowhere he came and start dragging my friend .... I mean OMG, I was not only embarrassed by his stupidity but I just want 2 smack him in the face. I did try to be talk politely to him, but then how cud u talk 2 such ignorant and stupid person!!! Well, thank God she dump the loser and I do hope the best for her.
Sometimes too much amount of jealousy will cause the relationship to be abusive. Urgh.... that is super sad for the abuse victim.... I seen that before, surely it was a sight that I wish I shall never encounter...... Hurrr....thinking bout it even gives me goosebumps. No wonder I am a commitment freak......
We use to hear bout the man being the Green Eyed Monster type and woman being the victim... Still, woman are not that far behind. I guess it is funny for woman being the jealous type, how a woman capable of controlling the a man's life and it does seems degrading to some level for man.... But it is the truth. Truth does hurt.... Imagine a grown man kick out of the house because the woman simply unable to control her jealousy and act lunatic-ally... Well, to a certain degree it is funny but then you realize how woman can b such a BITCH... and this particular woman is totally a BITCH for not having any respect for the man she called her husband. She treat the husband like a garbage, if she like him she keep him and if she doesn't then out you go. Well, her angelic looking face totally deceive all of us.......How ironic....!! Honestly laaaa... If you ever meet this woman you'll surely thought I was making some bad stories bout her... Bu that's the truth..She is a damn good actress, bloody bitch!! She always goes to church on Sunday yet it never click 2 her the marriage's vow she made, which is to obey your husband!! Puhleez laaaa woman ....How ignorant is she, true they say, ignorance is a bliss!! I do hope Karma will educate this woman about "what goes around comes around".... I do wish she could read this, but unfortunately she's too stupid 2 use the Internet.... God bless her 4 that!!!
Anyway, if it is just a relationship, we can simply break it up and move on, but what if it is a marriage consent by the church and involve kids and family at large. Do we walk away from it or we stay and take the heat... Either way, both options cause nothing but loss and to some level emotional breakdown. Nevertheless, if ending a marriage might save a tiny soul in our heart and set us free, then so be it. A happy marriage is when both people are committed , have mutual understanding, mutual respect and good communication, when all fails .... ending it might not be that bad.....
Soreee if I offend anyone, but hey it's my blog and haters be gone.... So ladies and gentleman, jealous moderately and love truly..... Hohoho..............Love truly does hurt...... painfully SAKIT !!!

It's hard to determine
where to draw the line
between being nice
and not hurting people's feelings,
and standing up
for what you believe.
The problem here is not about jealousy is love or not, it is the amount a person should have it in a relationship..... I do wonder how many amount of jealousy is appropriate for a person to have!! Well, jealousy is kinda romantic but too much can spell disaster. I have few of my friends whose boyfriend are the jealous type, the BF forbid the GF to talk or befriend to any guys.... He controls the GF's life to a point that the GF sort live in world permitted only by the BF... Sad but true.. If the GF refuse, hell broke loose ... By then, both either break up or fight the night out. True, I even seen them fighting!!! I do also have friends that their BF was a TOTAL Green Eyed MOnster, so protective and super psycho. How psycho u ask, well, this particular BF not only forbid her to ONLY go out with him, he also make her stay at home the whole time, only go out 2 school and even forbid her to go out even with us her own besties, he even bought her a hp so that he can call her and know wherever she is. Also, for every man that talks to her, he will b sort of in a rage afterward.... They will start this huge fight which my friend end up crying her eyes out and me being a good friend came to consult her... I thought the fact that she have enough of him will end the relationship, but 3 days later they make up again... Urgh.... The cycle continue. I remember there is one incident in which me and her went out to the local Tamu, an hour later we saw his car just circling the Tamu area.... Then out of nowhere he came and start dragging my friend .... I mean OMG, I was not only embarrassed by his stupidity but I just want 2 smack him in the face. I did try to be talk politely to him, but then how cud u talk 2 such ignorant and stupid person!!! Well, thank God she dump the loser and I do hope the best for her.
Sometimes too much amount of jealousy will cause the relationship to be abusive. Urgh.... that is super sad for the abuse victim.... I seen that before, surely it was a sight that I wish I shall never encounter...... Hurrr....thinking bout it even gives me goosebumps. No wonder I am a commitment freak......
We use to hear bout the man being the Green Eyed Monster type and woman being the victim... Still, woman are not that far behind. I guess it is funny for woman being the jealous type, how a woman capable of controlling the a man's life and it does seems degrading to some level for man.... But it is the truth. Truth does hurt.... Imagine a grown man kick out of the house because the woman simply unable to control her jealousy and act lunatic-ally... Well, to a certain degree it is funny but then you realize how woman can b such a BITCH... and this particular woman is totally a BITCH for not having any respect for the man she called her husband. She treat the husband like a garbage, if she like him she keep him and if she doesn't then out you go. Well, her angelic looking face totally deceive all of us.......How ironic....!! Honestly laaaa... If you ever meet this woman you'll surely thought I was making some bad stories bout her... Bu that's the truth..She is a damn good actress, bloody bitch!! She always goes to church on Sunday yet it never click 2 her the marriage's vow she made, which is to obey your husband!! Puhleez laaaa woman ....How ignorant is she, true they say, ignorance is a bliss!! I do hope Karma will educate this woman about "what goes around comes around".... I do wish she could read this, but unfortunately she's too stupid 2 use the Internet.... God bless her 4 that!!!
Anyway, if it is just a relationship, we can simply break it up and move on, but what if it is a marriage consent by the church and involve kids and family at large. Do we walk away from it or we stay and take the heat... Either way, both options cause nothing but loss and to some level emotional breakdown. Nevertheless, if ending a marriage might save a tiny soul in our heart and set us free, then so be it. A happy marriage is when both people are committed , have mutual understanding, mutual respect and good communication, when all fails .... ending it might not be that bad.....
Soreee if I offend anyone, but hey it's my blog and haters be gone.... So ladies and gentleman, jealous moderately and love truly..... Hohoho..............Love truly does hurt...... painfully SAKIT !!!
It's hard to determine
where to draw the line
between being nice
and not hurting people's feelings,
and standing up
for what you believe.
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