Finally I can officially say that I am a graduate… Funny …so funny I think as I can’t believe that I finally finished my 3 & half year pursuing my Bachelor… I mean OMG….. Hahaha… In away I do feel grown up and somehow my back do hurt 2 think bout the responsible that I will soon undertake….
The pressure of getting a job seem 2 scare me, I mean what if I can’t get a job, not every school dying to offer job 4 UNITAR’s graduates, most school prefer to take graduates from the local universities and “maktab” … That sux!!! Jz thinking bout it now even scare me more… Btw, according to my lecturer NONE of my senior has been call for interview to enter government!!! Sedih ni!! I do feel my future is fading away….so blur la at this moment!! I do think we graduates of Bachelor of Education from UNITAR deserve the same opportunities of graduates of Bachelor of Education from other local universities. I mean we are all equal in a sense that we also have the quality and capabilities to teach and probably we are lacking in some areas, still being fair is what I ask from the “government system”. Give and pick us for the opportunities to go 4 interview and surely we won’t disappoint!!! Graduates of Bachelor of Education from UNITAR posses the same qualities, we are quick to learn, easily adapt to the situation, creative and yess….highly communicative!! But then, life is SOOOO unfair right!!! Last time, everyone including me study hard to enter local universities, when I failed to do so, it broke my heart!!! I feel like such a failure!!! Then, as I enter UNITAR, I learn to believe in myself once more, it as if someone offer me the opportunities to make a difference educationally in myself. 3 and half year I’ve been studying hard to get the best CGPA and to be turn down just because the “system” only value graduates of teachers from local universities and Maktab, I just wanna SCREAM out loud!!!!!! Equally we are all the same, so why isn’t U giving me the opportunities….. All I need is the chance and the equal opportunities to be pick to undergo the interview……. I guess in today’s world Equity Theory might not apply to every system…. Surely I won’t let this matter serve as a hindrance in my quest to pursue my dream as a teacher…. I can always try 4 Private right…
Now, I believe is the RIGHT time to activate my “nerd and serious” self…. Hahaha… I am turning more like an adult pl. Is this what an adult feel, pressure to perform, pressure of responsibilities, stress and a whole lot more ……..Wawawawa… Adult world is sooooo complicated in so many ways…. !!! Duh, how stupid of me to think life is easy … I guess I can say “Life is more than meets the eyes” .. Hahaha!! I guess I have no other choices but to participate actively in the “adult-oriented world”… Rasa mcm budak2 bru belajar pla!!! Oh well, life is what you make of it, and I intend to make the best out of it….!!!
PS: Internally and externally I do believe I have my own locus control of controlling life!! → POM sungguh!!
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