I just saw 'KAMI the Movie', soreee kinda late of watching the last year movie, and I know most people who know me might thinking…”What the fcuk are you doing, watching some Malay movie?” …. Haaahahaha! Well, let’s just say I am changing my ‘angin’ for a while! Basically my little bro introduced me to this movie and I was forced to watch as I was too bored with nothing to watch and do. So, oh well…! But, hey it was ok bah the movie and I truly found myself liking it, kinda suck since I didn’t follow the drama at 8Tv. At least, the movie was better than Dunia Baru the movie. Honestly I have been a fan of the drama since season 1 kick off. I do hope the movie should be the conclusion of the drama. Yet, the movie not only sucks, it doesn’t live up to my expectation as a fan! The joke was lame and stupid and there is no kesinambungan dari jalan cerita drama ke movie dia. Duh, which is why I don’t believe of Malaysian movie, especially those who claim to be the best movie of the year----> soree, still kind of angry bout the DBTM !
The Good and Bad of the movie
1. Script was good as it really depict how we young Malaysian truly speak to one another but in a more ‘clean version la’.
2. The soundtrack wasn’t all that bad and nice to hear a fresh new sound from the Malaysian underground scene –> Indie band. Heck it’s even better than the buble gum pop play nonstop in the mainstream media. Except for that 1 song, in which the singer ‘teriak2’ … ntah apa-apa…sound like a devilish pula.
3. I love how this movie portrayed bit of our Malaysian dysfunctional families and for that I believe Malaysian entertainment scenes are slowly moving forward towards a quality of “modification”. Go Malaysian Entertainment scene!
2. The soundtrack wasn’t all that bad and nice to hear a fresh new sound from the Malaysian underground scene –> Indie band. Heck it’s even better than the buble gum pop play nonstop in the mainstream media. Except for that 1 song, in which the singer ‘teriak2’ … ntah apa-apa…sound like a devilish pula.
3. I love how this movie portrayed bit of our Malaysian dysfunctional families and for that I believe Malaysian entertainment scenes are slowly moving forward towards a quality of “modification”. Go Malaysian Entertainment scene!
1. Storyline dia slow sangat la and I feel like it was kinda a drag to watch it. I mean I couldn’t wait for the movie to end and that feel like eternity for me.
2. I miss out on watching the drama, so I guess I was kind of blur bit bout the whole movie.
3. The actors seems bit stiff .... but their face does look like teenagers, rather than the actress in '5 Jingga' ---> Muka tua sangatla... x sesuai jadi bdak2 pom2..!

"Hidup ini palat, tapi esok masih ada" --> Love this word!
a little getting 2 kno ur EAST-side wont hurt.
Yup...yup... but the movie need to be Good.... Like they say... product need to be tip top then buyers will line up and buy it.....
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