Well, I just found this interesting blog... I found it to be thoughtful and truly an eye opening. Well, lets just say, when she mentioned she wants to try and like Obama, but she can't... really say a lot about herself as a person. Still I really admire of her courage to say she is NOT a believer of Obama, well everybody is entitled for their own opinion right and she totally done her best in standing firm in her own ground! Ya, I do wonder how come Obama 's inauguration cost almost $150M and in times of economy crisis now, that is like over the top, isn't it? Oh well! Niway, do check her out at -http://majorityoftwo.blogspot.com/ - u'll be surprise, I sure did and I love it!
Well, I do wish I have the same courage like she is, I wish I could talk about politics or whatever happening in and around Malaysia, especially my anger towards the system, politics or ...etc... People have ask me to express my opinion regarding that matter in my blog....Still, as much as we want Malaysia to be democratically open, we will then have to face some harsh backlash later! In a way, we are held accountable for whatever we express verbally or in writing! See what happen to the Chinese guy singing the 'NegaraKu' anthem using his own words, and the worst part, you, yourself might end up in ISA. and the whole nine yards... Who wants that, I don't. I know I have a long way to go, learning and falling all at the same time, seems to much to bear. So that is why I refrain myself from mentioning any racial, politics nor religious matters in my blog. Who wants to add fuel in the already burning fire! Plus, we can always go for MalaysiaKini to get another perspective bout politic in Malaysia.
Like Jo had mentioned in her blog, I quote - " I often think of blogging as being similar to the little Russian matryoshka nesting dolls, where inside one you will find another, and another, and another ... That is the beauty of blogging. Click on one link, and it leads to another, and another, and another ... I have found blogging to be a wonderful way to find out about other people all over the world -- their lives, their customs, their ideas, their hobbies and interests, and their likes and dislikes. The one thing I have learned is that, the more differences we have, the more we are the same. Somehow, I find that very reassuring."- I agree with her and yes I do feel the same way yet she explain better in writing.. Hahaha...so now my dear cuzzie what do think about that! Blogging as waste f time..??? The jury is still out there to prove you are guilty of being ignorance....!!! One way or another, life goes on right!
Faizal Tahir rock the night away especially in his song “Coba”, love the song, the voice and style – bit gothic and emo like. Who said an ex-member to a nasyid group cannot rock. He sure was so rocking it last night.
The 2nd song was also good, especially the gimmick, quite new to Msian stage. Well, getting his hair cut in the middle of the stage and in the middle of his performance really nice, plus the fan and the choir thing, he surely deserve to win the Best Performance last night. Basically, to win the best performance, you don’t have to bring the whole kampung with you; all you need is a good storyline, creative gimmick and applicable to stage performance. Well, either way, congrats to Faizal Tahir on winning 3 categories last night – Persembahan Terbaik, Juara Kategori Balada and Vokal Terbaik ( well, this one is arguable, still congrats to him ayway). He is simply superb last night! Love to seem him winning something since his last year “shirtless incident”.
Estranged and their gimmick was good as well. They are the champion of last year and surely they do have the pressure to perform well. But, hey their performance wasn’t all that bad, except I feel something not click with them last night. I was bit disappointed on Rich’s voice projection, it’s either the mic problem or him! Nevertheless, they definitely rock and I love their song. Plus, I was rooting for them and Meet Uncle Hussain to take the big prize and I am glad MUS won last night.
Ayu should do better in her performance wise! Standing in the middle of the stage and make limited movement spell nothing but B.O.R.I.N.G! She should have go and take a few notes / pointer from Ziana Zain.
Then, what’s up with Heliza ‘oh-so red’ lipstick! Really it didn’t match with her make up and her whole outfit. She should have done better, mind the make up artist; sometimes the artist should have their own knowledge about make up and know what’s look good for them. But hey, last night she looks like 24 going for 35!
Aizat – Love the song and his simple performance. I won’t say it was soulful and deep, still he has that star quality in him and him writing his own song surely a bonus for this newbie. I do hope he will continue to shine and entertain all us with his own made song. So, Mila & Mawi, who? Step aside all AF winner wannabe – except for Vince and Stacy la.
As for our own favourite darling Stacy, well let me give the low down:
i. Make up - Funky
ii. Dance routine - SMART & energetic
iii. Attitude – Cheeky
iv. But the Gold Pant - Honestly I am not so sure la… Err… Fashion Faux Paux – Ohh well, whatever that make her world go round.
----> All in all, she brings the house down in terms of her showmanship. She can be consider as a pro now and yes our little darling from Sabah really proves she is a force to be reckoned with!! I do hope she got a good management that will oversees her career all the way and truly I hope she will stay longer in Malaysian music scene.
Meet Uncle Hussain – I really like the song – catchy and listenable! They really impressed me last night, simply superb! At that exact moment I honest have butterfly and really thought they deserve to win. The performance was simple yet the singer really tear up the performance, his voice was so powerful and energetic and it would be great if he could take the best vocal category. The underdog seems to be opening lots of people’s eyes that night. They deserve standing ovation from the audiences, especially those sitting in the front rows.Oh well, we Msian have trouble getting up and clapping hand pula tu, lupa saya!
The music + orchestra + sound system = Super Fabulous, Superb & simply the best! -------> They were the real highlight of the night!
The priceless look on their face when they were announced as winner was soo sweet and I was genuinely happy they won. Well, when Ally say something like “seperti yang dijangkakan, Juara Lagu AJL 23 ialah.. penulis Taja, Tass dan Lan…. OMG! It was Meet Uncle Hussain instead of Faizal Tahir, that was so good. Really surprised MUS, as they were looking at Faizal Tahir and he was looking at them. Hohohoho…… really good Ally, which was suspense and climax all at once! But what’s up with Taja sort of picking / touching his noise while giving his speech… seem awkward and yucky! Go Independent bands! Next Year --- Pop Shuvit.
8.Poor Elyana, her voice was really drowned by the sound of music. I can’t really hear what she was singing! All I hear, “kalis rindu…….kalis pilu” …….on…and….on…… I dunno! Kesehan her!
9.The performance done by the kids was ohhh so entertaining and cute especially the boy name Haqiem. The end the performed Isabella with Jac, M.Nasir and Jamal Abdilla, it was good! 3 adults and 3 kids all singing in tune and good was rare in Malaysia and they really ROCK!
In my opinion…..chewah:
Artists in Malaysia should have the ability to compose a good song not just good voice in singing! If they have that – that is a full package!I do admire artist who wrote their own song and it just make them look extra talented and gifted…. Hehehe… ! I guess Malaysian artists, especially those who are currently popular in Malaysian mainstream music industry, they should be more like that and not solely dependable on songwriter.
I hate the way the K***N management of KK handle the staff's' salary... I mean its a bit weird... for us to get a higher pay, we need to do all the worksheet .... imagine u need to finish & do all 20 book of worksheet. The worksheet are 10 pgs per each book! Omg! My hand was so freaking tired after I am done with all of it... 1 Level is finish but hey there are still 5 more Level to go!! Shit! I feel so drain pl, even though the WS seem to be easy... yet after 2 hour... I feel not so clever pn..!!! Dang! I guess 4 us to do the WS will hopefully help us the teacher to be familiarize with the things we will soon teach 2 the students! Argh!!! Why aa the salary systemn are like that. The frustration seems to be growing each day and I been quite patience with it! I love to speak my mind about this with the managemant, yet everyday is a busy day at the center. After 2-5 hours straight of handling kids, I am drained... All I need is R&R to recuperate. Well, I know it's a lame excuse ..but that's the fact!
Another thing that bother me is the fact there is not enough parking space for teachers / staffs over there! I mean... what the heck, the parents are given the 1st priority to use all the parking spaces ... Bloody idiot! I mean, I know they need to keep the parents happy... what about us ... the teacher... where is our priority... HELLO! So, its okla for our car to be park everywhere, and what happen to it, it is all our responsibility! Sux! Bloody .... ******! There are plenty of bleeping words which I want to express but reserve it on the ground of rationality!... Argh.... Parents my f****ng a** ---> except my parents la (love them & I will follow them)!!!
I am now determine to look another job, bcz I know I won't able to hold my frustration long in there!! Help me! Still, nobody will be harm in the process f me holding it in! Hohoho...
I used to have a dream of being a politician / be involve in politic directly. Yet, seeing how things have gone through especially the political scene in Malaysia, it did scared me. Literally I prefer to stand on the sideline and just be a cheerleader ... with a brain la of course.
But as time passed and the world go around, I realize I want to be a teacher / an educator to the young minds......chewah.....shaping the young generation into a breed of useful, practical and visionary people also my dream job...Hehehe! At the same time, I also love writing and I wish I have the opportunity to learn or take courses of writing . Writing and expressing my feeling into words is also one of my passion and it would be good for me to learn the right way of writing. So that, I might improve my writing skills and my use of words.
Well... lets hope for the best! 2009 here I come....!
The other day, my brother and sister teased me as I keep on repeating that I am deprive of love! They find it funny and try their best effort to poke fun of me! I was embarrassed by that... OMG! The situation started when my lil brother was all lovey-dovey --> apparently he has a GF & that is why la he was all weird like that! .... And I open my big, bad mouth & flatly say I am deprive of LOVE!!! How dumb was I, it was like standing in the middle of a war without any weapon at hand and totally like a sitting duck for them. Their combination really silent me up and I am not usually the quiet one, most of the time I do put a great effort in fighting back even though I know I might lose! This time, hands down I was defeated.
But then it did hit me back, I realize that I always take single as a lonely number, it is like I’m portraying being single to be the saddest part of being a human. Gosh how shallow can I be. I think I am every bit of human, capable of feeling the loneliness, sadness, anger & frustration…..in every single way. At times, I feel it is better to be 2 than 1, at least you feel you have safety net beside you and the sun is shining brightly. Well, as if! I guess my Asian tradition is finally caught up with me and I believe I was stung by the wedding daze that I had attended recently. In a way, it did alter my perspective about single-hood.
Looking at my big sis, she definitely knows how to hold her ground for the base of single-hood. But it tends to be like that after a bad breakup and who could blame her to go “career woman”. I would, but then I am currently stuck in a dead end job and I wish I could put my passion into it. So good luck for me…..yeah!
Either way, I learned a thing or two from my sister’s and brother idiotic and stupid remarks. The fact that I need to embrace my single-hood with head held high instead of mopping around like a sad puppy.
Oh well, life is like that and now I am baby stepping to my first goal of being single ---> which is to take it proud and confident as well as make peace with it.I guess TWO might seems to be the perfect number, yet at times being the single one out does not seem all that bad! It just a matter of perspective and two idiotic siblings keeping you on your toe! Duh!! If anything that I am currently deprive of, it have to be my Good Night Sleep.... !
The other day, I watched “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” shown at 8TV. That was fun and it did hit home as my cousin said watching the movie reminded her of our own big and loud family. I do agree with her, except the spitting part la of course. Our might curse, scream / shout at each other, yet we are not the spitting type especially towards each other. Hahaha ….
Well, my families are big ad loud. We always talk and laugh out loud, so funny, but that what we are… just bunch of talkative and loud bunch of people. I do love the moment when all of us gather in one roof eating and just talk whatever topic that comes into mind (as long as you don’t talk about borrowing money – that’s another ball game!). Anyhow, love that moment and I miss those moment. Oh well, there will always be next wonderful Christmas and Chinese New Year or anyone of us in the family getting marry around this year. That should be interestingly fun and funny! Basically, families are those bunches of obnoxious and crazy people that you hope to avoid from time to time, yet at times, you needed them to keep your foot on the ground and keep you stay connected.
1.People say I'm such a snob ... but actually I'm just cold and have problem communicating with people for the 1st time. As you get to know me, you will realize I am just a goof ball like everyone else.
2. I used to be a tomboy that dislikes being "doll-up", but now I LOVE it! Well let’s just say I'm a girl that loves PINK now & dressing up is part of being a girl.
3. I can be such a Bitch when I’m in a bad mood and lash out on people.
4. I might portray myself as tough, independent and serious on the outside, yet I’m just a doted girl that like to be pampered and yes soft at heart.
5. I don’t wanna be thin, I just wanna be a new healthy me and appreciate my body now. Embrace it and not running from it.
6. I have a thyroid problem. But I’m so glad it I finally able to balance my TH level.
7.I use to think I have weight problem but I realize I have Love issue ---> Love of myself. So I am embracing myself one day at a time... baby step!
8.I love speaking up my mind and quite talkative as well. But at times it didn’t hurt to be hypocrite and play your card right.
9. Love may come softly and I do believe every girl deserves a prince charming, but for now, I’m not seriously searching one and if it happens, it happens. All I need to do is dive in the open sea and swim with the barracuda.
10. I’m sick and tired pretending to be happy all the time in which I’m not.Everybody deserve a bad day here and there.
11. I love my family yet at times I find them to be amazingly annoying. Well, you can hate them but I know they will always there for me in times of need. So …muah…muah…muah to them all.
12. I love my friends to bits; they are like my extended family. I give my trust and loyalty to them. But once I am cross, you will never see nor hear from me again.
13. I love scaring and surprising people, it's soo funny and it crack me up all the times. But the irony is that I scare easily.
14. I take Oprah Winfrey as my 2nd God…hohoho.. Who wouldn’t right! I just love her show.
15. I will like to take on exercise as my healthy regime yet I found myself sleeping through the day. Hahaha… so lazy laaa…! Still, I need to put as my 1st priority!
16. I wanna do my 2009 differently. That is to be more healthy and happy me. In that way, I might able to enjoy my life more.
My cousin just complained to me the fact that I love to blog a lot, he thinks that I am wasting my time and think its rubbish. I am offended by his remarks. I guess some people can be quite the opposite and rude. As in his case, everything that didn’t make money will be view as a waste of time. Urgh…. OK…. Whatever! I guess me and him have a different type of approach and perspective in life. So I can’t blame him being a hater and ignorant bout blogging! People are like that and yes Ignorance is a bliss.
I love to blog since I find writing my thought and mind can be refreshing and a way to communicate what I feel inside. Most of the time, verbally transmitting my mind and thought seem to be hard for me and at times I am lost in translation. I know not everyone will read my blog, so what! I love blogging and I don’t care if nobody read it, just as long as I can see and read it in my blog, it is fine by me. Argghhh….. I guess I should focus on my other passion that is food review. I do love eating and I love going to different restaurants just to try a variety of foods and drinks. Nice, think I should put that into action …... sooon!
2009 is finally here and congratulation to all for becoming older and surviving the 2008! Hopefully this year will be a new beginning for all that just freshly starting out and get what you all wish for. Anyhow since we are on the subject of New Year, everyone must have their own New Year resolutions to be accomplished. At this point of my life, I am torn between Money and Career or Love. But then I decided on Money and Career as I want to have a stability in my life and capable of providing for myself or being self-sufficient! As for Love, I already given up on that long time ago and I guess no need to put my full attention to it now, plus if it happens, OK, but if it didn’t so be it, it’s not the end of the world! Anyway, the need to get a job seems to be the most important thing now; I do hope this New Year I can be accepted to work as a teacher in the government school. If that really happen I can surely say à I made it!
Argh…. So much pressure for the New Year! I hope this year will be a prosperous year for me and since I am greedy little pig … I want everything that I wish for to come true. But of course only talk will bring me nowhere, yet with efforts and my will power it should open new door of opportunity. Aiya! Life seems to be very harsh and tiring these days and I hope I can survive it! More power for the new graduates!
This blog is anything and everything to my observations and current events happening around me. Do feel welcome to read my anger, frustration and humour in here..duh! Niway, feel free also to contact me or offer me a job!!