Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kumon and Me

2 weeks ago, I went 4 interview for Kumon. Kumon is actually a self learning center that originated from Japan.....yadda..yadda... It is interesting to see child as young as 3 years old able to read, good job! Basically, my friend recommended me for the interview as I was unemployed and freshly graduated, I guess this is one way to gain working experience.

Btw, during the interview I manage to do all the Dont's part by stuttering here and there, I can feel myself sweating of nervousness and yes I did not do my research about Kumon. Well, thankfully I read the plat and can answer few of her questions. Instead of talking bout the facts, I just wing it. I also commit mistake by saying my expected salary is RM600-RM800. That was stupid of me and I regret it now and I realize if I were paid in that amount, surely I am underpaid, no wonder she accept me straight away. I guess I was totally green and new to the working force. Lesson learned and next time I will be more prepare. Hmm... I do hope I can score in my upcoming test to determine how much I will receive as my salary and hopefully get more than what I expected. I need the extra cash to pay my PTPN and support myself. Well, Il be starting my new job this 30/12/2008 and hopefully things will work well.

PS: I do hope I can stay committed and interested in my new job!


sweet-girlicious said... lease u have a job...rather like me...unemployed which seems to be scary....but ya...the pay are very low at least u need to have salary above rm1000...i will search for work but let the new year make every resolution that i just throwing all of the end of the year "soi"hahha..all the best to keep in touch ok.and do write something about your experience there later on

eliz_roXZ said...

ahahaha ok bh kalo ko Fiona...... K.I.T >>>>>


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