Nwy, I think our trip back to K.Penyu 2 attend my cuzen's wedding had been an adventure & honestly I am proud to call myself a Sipitangrian than K.Penyu's!!!
Well today all of my family went back to Kuala Penyu to attend my cuzzie's wedding. It was a coincident that he married a K.Penyu girl... Wht a day tht was.... honestly I haven't been there 4 about 2 year or so.. Today's road trip to K.Penyu cause so much drama in which we were lost somewhere in Membakut!! Tht was very scareee & I think this surely taught us an important lesson tht is stay with the pack!!! Gosh.... how scaree it was going to unfamiliar territory & ppl looking at u!!! Btw, when I went to ask the police the direction to K.Penyu, this crazy & ignorance man suddenly said something rude to me!! According to him my dressing was inappropriate & I shouldn't dress like tht to their kampung!! OMG, man who the f**k r u... & honestly ur kampung smell like kerbau shit all the way and I for damn wouldn't want to come or pass to ur stupid kampung!!! Im dressing like this bcuz I want to attend my cuzzie's wedding in K.Penyu, not ur silly kg parade!!! BODOH!!! Ppl can be very mean & rude unnecessary.. I guess ignorance is a bliss & tht man certainly showed me why I wouldn't want 2 come to tht place anymore!!! I wish 2 scream 2 him, but I chose not 2, bcuz tht's his kg & we r lost & we certainly don't want 2 cause any drama.... But I do wish I gve him piece of my mind & tell him to drop dead..!!! Nda ku bkari wah limpas ke kg mu a2, nda jua lwa bh kg mu, bdaa hantap.... jz bunch of kolot ppl living in a community where they will die in ignorance & agony!!!

Nwy long story short, we manage 2 find our way & arrive K.Penyu safely.... the funny thing was, we arrive on the other side of K.Penyu & we need to ride the ferry to get across.... tht was an adventure 4 the 3 of us.... Although I was angry at 1st due to the rude remark by tht man, but I manage get over it & be +ve!!! Duh.... Nwy, we arrive on the other side safely & w8 4 the rest in the restaurant in K.Penyu.... btw, the waitress was rude when we asked her 2 clean the table, she hv the nerve 2 say "sya tau la bh, inila yg sa mo buat ni", all of us was shocked ...then my cuzen simply spat back at her & tht cause her 2 shut her mouth!!! WOooow, I wish I done tht towards tht silly bloody man!!!
The funny thing happen in the wedding, which I thought the family of the bride was a bit rude towards the groom's family which is us.... They did not show any courtesy towards us.... I understand they r all dying to take pictures with the bride & groom, but still wht r we ...standing beside there like a tree kaa.... Duh!!!! Dang.... Well, honestly my perception about K.Penyu ppl truly had been set... Gosh... !!! It is rude to say 'erm adik-bradik lg bgmbr', err, we r standing beside them like we r no one!!! Matila bh jg!!! Ohya.... I was so damn hungry td w8ting 4 time 2 eat & only 1.30pm did we get our lunch... My God, how cud they let the guest starve ..... so impolite...they truly showed the hw unorganized the wedding reception was!!! I know the invite was at 1.00pm, bt plz la stick 2 the schedule ... Ohya did I mention the food SUX!!! I mean like, Ive been to many wedding reception before, this has to be the top 5 of worst food 4 wedding reception!!! Ergh...!!! Whateverlaaa...!!! The music olso sux... I know they want 2 mke it happening but.... do u think poco-poco song sound romantic & the rest of dangdut music played there!!! Duh...!! Hello, wedding shud be romantic & intimate... but I guess it is easy said than done... I am glad we r out of there as soon as we finish our lunch... I don't mean to rude or impolite or whatver... But wud u stay long in a party where the host didn't even bother to show at least respect or courtesy 2 u, it is as if we were nobody... I don't say la we need red carpet treatment but at least show some respect as we are the groom's family & we deserve the same respect & treatment as those who came to the wedding reception.. There's so many thing which I wish to complaint on my day at K.Penyu...but I guess I shud take it as a lesson learned .... No 1 is perfect & tht wedding is far from perfect!!! .... Urgh...!!! 4 those yg trasa ... oh well, life's like tht.... u can't always plse everyone but u can always show respects & courtesy towards other!!! Nwy no matter how much I denied it, I am half K.Penyu... so I might as well try 2 like it.... "Bite me"!!

The funny thing happen in the wedding, which I thought the family of the bride was a bit rude towards the groom's family which is us.... They did not show any courtesy towards us.... I understand they r all dying to take pictures with the bride & groom, but still wht r we ...standing beside there like a tree kaa.... Duh!!!! Dang.... Well, honestly my perception about K.Penyu ppl truly had been set... Gosh... !!! It is rude to say 'erm adik-bradik lg bgmbr', err, we r standing beside them like we r no one!!! Matila bh jg!!! Ohya.... I was so damn hungry td w8ting 4 time 2 eat & only 1.30pm did we get our lunch... My God, how cud they let the guest starve ..... so impolite...they truly showed the hw unorganized the wedding reception was!!! I know the invite was at 1.00pm, bt plz la stick 2 the schedule ... Ohya did I mention the food SUX!!! I mean like, Ive been to many wedding reception before, this has to be the top 5 of worst food 4 wedding reception!!! Ergh...!!! Whateverlaaa...!!! The music olso sux... I know they want 2 mke it happening but.... do u think poco-poco song sound romantic & the rest of dangdut music played there!!! Duh...!! Hello, wedding shud be romantic & intimate... but I guess it is easy said than done... I am glad we r out of there as soon as we finish our lunch... I don't mean to rude or impolite or whatver... But wud u stay long in a party where the host didn't even bother to show at least respect or courtesy 2 u, it is as if we were nobody... I don't say la we need red carpet treatment but at least show some respect as we are the groom's family & we deserve the same respect & treatment as those who came to the wedding reception.. There's so many thing which I wish to complaint on my day at K.Penyu...but I guess I shud take it as a lesson learned .... No 1 is perfect & tht wedding is far from perfect!!! .... Urgh...!!! 4 those yg trasa ... oh well, life's like tht.... u can't always plse everyone but u can always show respects & courtesy towards other!!! Nwy no matter how much I denied it, I am half K.Penyu... so I might as well try 2 like it.... "Bite me"!!

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