All these while I been spending my time with my girls from Unitar that I 4got spending time with all my girls at the hostel.. I miss spending my time with all of 'em... I guess time like this, every1 is soo busy doin their thing tht we all 4got all abt hvin fun... Hmm..... I think I shud spend more tme with them more as they truly hv help colour my time in UNITAR.... Hope tht we all hv the opportunity 2 spend time 2gether....!!!! Tht wud be fun.... !!! Miss all the stupid yet fun activities I done with all of them... TQ 4 being my friend these few years in UNITAR & I will surely miss all of u.... Honestly, it will be sad to leave my friends as I've grown with them in my time at Unitar....but hey life goes on right.......
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Me & my Eye
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wedding Drama....
Hollaaa.... I jz got back from my cuzzie's weddin at Beverly Hotel. It was a fun time 4 me... as I managed to catch up & hang out with all my relatives, plus I olso "'cuci mata" ooo... Many hensem guy.!!! But 2 bad, most of them drunk already...!! I did dance with this cute guy which I 4got la his name... hehehe.... Girls will be girls...!!!
Nwy, I find this incident quite funny yet scareeee..... Basically my sister was knocked off the stage while she was singing by this drunk guy.... OMG!!! It happen so fast... Me & my cuzzies was dancing beside her than all of the sudden this bunch of guys just went up the stage & start dancing maniacally...!! This 1 guy just I dunnoo probabaly hv 2 much of chivas & black label, as he was moving around the stage & almost knock me off balance...Thank God I manage to dodge him, but unfortunately my sis wasn't tht lucky!!! She fell of the stage & u c this stage was 2 feet high..Damn!!! Thankfully she was ok but a bit mad & embarassed by tht .... Hahahaha.... I wanna LOL, but seing her face I just felt soreee 4 her... As 4 tht drunk guy, he might never knew wht he hv done.... Plus he was then taken outside as he puked all over the floor & then fainted.... Hmmm... Tht is wht happen when u hv 2 much drinking!!! 2mrw his head will hurt like hell... By then he might regret it!!!! Hahaha......
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Beloved Malaysia
These day you will hear nothing but political issues in Malaysia .... Everywhere u turn TV, newspaper, Internet & even ordinary people is talking about it ... Truly Malaysia is going in2 a new phase... It is a heated discussions & every1 have their own views & speculations about this matters. For me it is quite frighteningly scaree and interesting at the same time as for once everybody seems 2 b paying more attention 2 wht is goin on in Malaysia.
Finally everybody is now choosing their side on which party do they decide to support, "if ur not in then ur out"!!! The reality are sometimes painful, but I do believe ppl are ready for a new change ... whtver tht change I surely hope it will bring benefit both 2 the country & 2 all the loyal citizens of Malaysia.....!!! As Malaysian let us move forward & think ahead 4 the future.... Let us unite in our own differences in our own unique way & not be bother by such silly drama play by the irresponsible ppl...!!! Plus, let us open our eyes & be more proactive....
Finally everybody is now choosing their side on which party do they decide to support, "if ur not in then ur out"!!! The reality are sometimes painful, but I do believe ppl are ready for a new change ... whtver tht change I surely hope it will bring benefit both 2 the country & 2 all the loyal citizens of Malaysia.....!!! As Malaysian let us move forward & think ahead 4 the future.... Let us unite in our own differences in our own unique way & not be bother by such silly drama play by the irresponsible ppl...!!! Plus, let us open our eyes & be more proactive....

Wow... he's cute kn.... So!!!! Wish he was mine... but then damn. It's just a dream of mine, but sure it wud be nice if my bf look like him!!! He is none other than Lee Dong Gun (Korean Actor) .... He is like my McDreamy & sort of my McSteamy ...hahaha... tht sure make me wanna LOL!!!

But both of us thousands of miles apart ... I guess he will remain a dream of mine tht surely won't come true... .. DUH!!!
Nwy, since we r on the topic of boyfriend or special som1, I just need 2 tell that currently all my friends are happily taken ...tht certainly left me out of the "Happy gang"!!! But I do hope all my dear friend live happily with their love 1 & based their love on rationality. Ohya, wanna wish my dear good fren Lydia Thomas congratulation 4 her upcoming wedding.... Finally someone in the group have break the ice & surely after this it will be Cynthia's turn!! Hahaha, its kinda funny 4 me to sit & watch my fren walk down the aisle....!!!

Oh well, life is like that you cannot truly please every1, even ur parents ..... So live life in the moment & try 2 enjoy it for every breath we take might be our last.... Plus, live life according 2 ur own definition, don't live ur life based on wht society ask u 2 do.... Free ur mind, body & soul ..... Hahaha...sound like nenek2 pla, merepek......
So, until next time ...Have a lovely day!!
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